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By Liz Crow
In Swain, J, French, S, Barnes, C & Thomas, C (Eds) (2013) Disabling Barriers – Enabling Environments, 3rd edition, Sage
Reprinted in Boys, J (Ed) (2017) Disability, Space, Architecture: A Reader, Routledge
This chapter incorporates the earlier autobiographical work Lying Down Anyhow, followed by an exploration of the influences involved in the process and their place in my identity as an activist.
Lying Down Anyhow begins in the physicality of the body, the freedom that is, for me, the act of lying down. Yet, when I ask why lying down in public is so very hard to do, it transforms to a story about external codes and constraints, those emotional, social, political and cultural influences that shape the body’s way of being. Lying Down Anyhow is less the story of a troubled body than of its interface with the language, values and physical structures that limit the possibilities of lying down in public places…
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